Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Help for Interview: Data Analyst

Simple Interview Questions
  • When a problem is encountered, how will you obtain information to find solution to the problem? Give Examples.
  • After obtaining the information, how will you filter out the unnecessary information? Give Examples.
  • Give an example, where a problem is solved by mapping and tracing informational data within one system and between two systems.
  • Which are the domains in which you have worked previously? Which of them was the most challenging domain?
  • Till date, which was the most difficult problem you solved? What measures did you take to solve the problem?
  • Have you performed statistical analysis of corporate data? What tools did you use for the same?
  • In your previous assignments, has there been a time, when you had to analyze and mine information for identifying prototypes?
  • How should business information be documented? Do you have any particular method that you use?
  • Has there been a time, where you managed data accounts, created data accounts? How did you go about the entire process?
  • If you are given a database and you are asked to analyze the same for unusual and interesting trends, what are the steps you will take?
  • Define dataset with an example.
  • Which different tools in SAP can be used for reporting data? Which of the tools have you previously worked on?
  • Which steps are a part of data analysis procedure?
  • What according to you are the tasks of a data analyst in relation to the database. 
  • What achievement are you most proud of? 
  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • Where do you see your career five years from now? 
  • What is your preferred data analysis software and why? 
  • How do you develop your data analysis skills and learn new ways to think about data?
What Are the Duties of a Data Analyst?

·         Data Collection:
A data analyst’s work begins with collecting data in accordance with specific requirements and objectives of the research project. Understanding the specific data needs is the key to successful data collection. For collecting data the analyst may deploy one or more data resources from a wide range of resources like – statistical reports, market surveys, government records, financial reports, demographic studies, etc. While some data may be readily available in the form of reports, CDs or over the Internet, more peculiar data means the analyst may have to do a bit of running around. At times the analyst may have to devise his own ways of extracting or collecting data. 

·         Organizing Data
The next important duty of a data analyst is to arrange the collected data in a way so as to make it meaningful and usable. Depending on the type and size of the analysis, the data analyst may use some tools as simple as spreadsheets to the more complex data compilation software. Knowledge of computers and the ability to use complex software is something that is a must for every data analyst. Being familiar with using spreadsheets – like using simple formulas to separate and organize data, are some of the basic requirements for becoming a successful data analyst. This aspect of the data analyst’s duties is more laborious than analytical, requiring long hours of work in front of the computer. Nevertheless, it’s an important part of a data analyst’s job role and responsibilities. The more well organized the data is, the easier it will be to go ahead with the analysis.

·         Analyzing Data
It’s finally at this stage that the data analyst gets to use his analytical abilities – to analyze and interpret what the data means. Analysis is largely automated, but here the analytical abilities of the data analyst mean more than using an automated solution. The analyst has to draw specific data from relational databases and reorganize it into more meaningful information – that addresses some specific objective.

·         Reporting
Although not always, the duties of a data analyst may involve preparing comprehensive reports of the findings of the analysis. In addition to writing good reports the data analyst must be well versed with the use of graphs, charts and statistical tables to objectively present the analysis results for quick and easy reference.

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